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Ealing Kagge - 'A Poor Collector's Guide to Buying Great Art' Bookby GESTALTEN | Berlin

Ealing Kagge - 'A Poor Collector's Guide to Buying Great Art' Book
by GESTALTEN | Berlin

Gift Guide | GIVEAWAY

We’re excited to announce that we’ve teamed up with one of our favourite names in book publishing – Gestalten. Together, we are giving away 2 copies of 'A Poor Collector's Guide to Buying Great Art'. This fabulous book covers everything you always wanted to know about the art market but were afraid to ask. A pioneering collector explains how to use passion and intuition to acquire key pieces – even on a limited budget.

Exploring cutting-edge visual culture, Gestalten document and anticipate vital influences in design, illustration, architecture and typography as well as urban and contemporary art. 

To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is:

1. Follow us on our Instagram @goodswelike;

2. Tag 3 of your friends in this picture that would love this book.

The winner will be announced next Wednesday, December 21st on our Instagram.

Good luck everyone!