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CÉDRIC RAGOT – Full Moon Lamp

Alex Rückheim

CEDRIC RAGOT – Full Moon Lamp
CEDRIC RAGOT – Full Moon Lamp
CEDRIC RAGOT – Full Moon Lamp
CEDRIC RAGOT – Full Moon Lamp

The Full Moon Lamp is designed by Cédric Ragot for French furniture brand Roche Bobois. The design brand had given free rein to the French industrial designer to create a collection led by what Ragot called a ‘free composition’. The Full Moon Lamp is one of the designs in a range of beautiful objects rich in eclectic influences, creativity and aesthetic.

From industrial design to interiors, the work of Cédric Ragot pushes the boundaries of the contemporary arts and has been hailed as some of the most innovative work to be created by his generation. His ability to blend creative imagination with innovative technical solutions led to furniture and accessory designs that will hopefully bear the imprint of his talent long into the future.