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SUSANNE KAUFMANN – Natural Body Care

Alex Rückheim

We came across Susanne Kaufmann’s wonderful products not so long ago. Susanne Kaufmann – renowned for their organic, natural and effective body treatments – comes from the Bregenzer Forest, Austria; a beautiful valley in the Austrian Alps where the knowledge of nature’s healing powers are passed down from generation to generation. This said, it is not surprising that Susanne Kaufmann’s skin-specific formulas are based and inspired by the intensive effects of the Alpine flora. 

Beauty, health and comfort are values that strongly drive the brand’s vision to develop powerful results-oriented treatments from precious natural ingredients. The company’s collection of products includes facial, anti-aging and body treatments and baths manufactured and hand-packaged in their own facility amidst the Bregenzer Forest. 


The Susanne Kaufmann ‘Oil Bath for the Senses’ and ‘Witch Hazel Bath’ are a relaxing experience after a strenuous day. While the former consists of the oils of the ylang-ylang tree, patchouli plant and lavender, the latter is based on active ingredients derived from the medicinal witch-hazel plant that helps the skin regain its balance and regulates its oil content.


Susanne Kaufmann products are created from valuable natural essences, oils and single substances. Here, the level of active plant ingredients is particularly high. While the mild Susanne Kaufmann cleansing milk contains a herbal compound of chamomile, sage and St. John’s wort flowers, the cleansing gel Line M for men contains active ingredient compounds derived from witch-hazel and ribwort. Both products include skin nourishing components that clean and protect your skin.

Photographed by Ali Baï for GOODS WE LIKE