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Filtering by Tag: #skincare

VERSO – A Modern Skincare Revolution

Alex Rückheim

Verso Skincare Stockholm
Verso Skincare Product 5
Verso Skincare Travel Series
Verso Skincare

Introducing Verso Skincare. Founded by Lars Fredriksson, the Stockholm based skincare brand has developed a product line-up, which consists of a six-step system formulated with the active ingredient – Retinol 8 – to make your skin appear younger and healthier. Hence, the name Verso: philologically, the word verso stems from Latin and means reverse.

Verso has created a formula that helps the skin cells to mimic the way young cells behave, therefore reducing the signs of aging. This formula is called Retinol 8. It is a complex containing a new Vitamin A derivative that is not only 8 times more effective that traditional Retinol, but also much more gentle for the skin. Arguably, Retinol 8 is clinically proven to smooth the appearance of wrinkles, strengthen the skin, reduce pigmentation and supply the skin with more energy and oxygen. Each Verso Skincare product has a unique concentration of Retinol 8.

The Verso Super Eye Serum

Firming and smoothing, Number 5 in Verso’s line-up is a light and refreshing serum designed for the eye area. Formulated with Verso’s patented Retinol 8 complex and specific amino acids, the serum helps to increase the skin’s natural production of collagen and will help diminish eye puffiness, dark circles and lines.

The nice thing about it is that it works. Since the serum is quite rich and in itself moisturising, we suggest applying it over night.

NUORI – Uniquely Formulated Skincare

Alex Rückheim

We came across Danish skincare brand, NUORI, only quite recently. The brand not only offers a range of remarkable face, hand and body care products but has an impressively uncompromising approach to freshness and purity. 

Freshness is at the core of the brand. And to ensure this, NUORI products are freshly blended every 12 weeks. More than that, their products are labelled with two dates, indicating a ‘start-using-by date’ and an ‘expiry date’ to allow sufficient time to fully benefit from the formula. This approach stems from the notion that freshness ensures 100% efficacy, as natural active ingredients are not weakened by time-related breakdown. This understanding is linked to the findings of numerous scientific studies that have proven that essential active agents such as vitamins A, C and E are unstable in cosmetic formulations, loosing their beneficial properties in just a few months.

100% free from: synthetic preservatives, and other additives normally used to push the expiry date of beauty products. 

NUORI’s lightweight Vital Facial Cream, for instance, brings back your skin’s vitality and helps prevent and reduce first signs of aging. Formulated with hyaluronic acid – known for its extremely hydrating action – this cream restores the skin’s natural moisture levels. While botanical squalane, jojoba oil and sweet almond oil nourish the your skin, a complex of shea butter, vitamin C and E offers antioxidant protection.

SUSANNE KAUFMANN – Natural Body Care

Alex Rückheim

We came across Susanne Kaufmann’s wonderful products not so long ago. Susanne Kaufmann – renowned for their organic, natural and effective body treatments – comes from the Bregenzer Forest, Austria; a beautiful valley in the Austrian Alps where the knowledge of nature’s healing powers are passed down from generation to generation. This said, it is not surprising that Susanne Kaufmann’s skin-specific formulas are based and inspired by the intensive effects of the Alpine flora. 

Beauty, health and comfort are values that strongly drive the brand’s vision to develop powerful results-oriented treatments from precious natural ingredients. The company’s collection of products includes facial, anti-aging and body treatments and baths manufactured and hand-packaged in their own facility amidst the Bregenzer Forest. 


The Susanne Kaufmann ‘Oil Bath for the Senses’ and ‘Witch Hazel Bath’ are a relaxing experience after a strenuous day. While the former consists of the oils of the ylang-ylang tree, patchouli plant and lavender, the latter is based on active ingredients derived from the medicinal witch-hazel plant that helps the skin regain its balance and regulates its oil content.


Susanne Kaufmann products are created from valuable natural essences, oils and single substances. Here, the level of active plant ingredients is particularly high. While the mild Susanne Kaufmann cleansing milk contains a herbal compound of chamomile, sage and St. John’s wort flowers, the cleansing gel Line M for men contains active ingredient compounds derived from witch-hazel and ribwort. Both products include skin nourishing components that clean and protect your skin.

Photographed by Ali Baï for GOODS WE LIKE

FARMERS’ - Hand-made Care Products

Alex Rückheim

Farmers Care Products

Nourishing ingredients, rich in texture but not too oily and greasy. Inspired by the labours of Welsh hill farmers, FARMERS’ produces handmade creams and balms that are based on unique product formulations including their essential ingredient, lavender oil, which comes from flowers just outside their windows. Created by creams designer, Helen Lowe, the FARMERS’ line focuses on ingredients that are beneficial – the products don’t contain any artificial colours or perfumes. 

The FARMERS’ Hand Cream (100ml, £12) nourishes hard working hands with an earthy scent along refreshing peppermint and rosemary notes; their scrub (75ml, £14) is an exceptionally mild and exotic blend of oils of lavender, geranium, frankincense and bamboo powder effectively removing deep set impurities; and the nourishing lip balm (15g, £5) combines their essential lavender oil with lime oil and honey.

Photographed by Ali Baï for GOODS WE LIKE

ODACITÉ - Pure Skin Boosters

Alex Rückheim

Odacité Skincare

Odacité’s Pure Elements Collection comprises 18 ultra-targeted skin boosters. The individual serums diversify across six categories, formulated for perfect compatibility and absorption whether your skin is mature, sensitive or devitalised. Singularly strong, a serum’s single drop is a concentrated dose loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which are all essential in skin regeneration, hydration and detoxification.

A few drops added to your daily moisturiser are all it takes to supercharge your skin.

In 2004, Odacité set out to link absolute purity with ultra efficacy. Each ingredient is meticulously hand-selected and serves a purpose in all formulations ensuring the ultimate in antioxidant activity, effectiveness, freshness and potency. All ingredients are chemical-free botanicals that are either organic or wild-crafted in remote natural areas. Odacité is committed to only use fresh, pure and organic bio-active nutrients.

Photographed by Ali Baï and Gladys Fabie for GOODS WE LIKE