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Filtering by Tag: ballpoint

YSTUDIO - Handcrafted Ballpoint Pen

Alex Rückheim

Ystudio - Ballpoint Pen
Ystudio - Ballpoint Pen
Ystudio - Ballpoint Pen
Ystudio - Ballpoint Pen

Founded in Taiwan in 2012, Ystudio’s pens have become a staple piece in our office. For us, the studio’s ballpoint pen not only stands out for its quality and aesthetic, but also for the story it tells; designed and crafted to be lifetime stationery piece.
Seeking to design stationery objects that link past memories with modern life, Ystudio’s copper, bronze and brass pens are made to last a lifetime – with the thought of being passed down from generation to generation.

'In the hands, the brass, with the intense golden yellow, is gradually mild, deep with the ages, and piles up forefathers’ works full of wisdom; the feel, a bit heavy, always reminds us that we should honestly be responsible for every character we have written down.'

Founders Yi and Yanko believe in the value of simplicity. With a considered approach to object design – one that has a meaning; one that is intended to trigger people’s imagination; and one designed to be a part in people’s lives – each of Ystudio’s pens is hancrafted by local, Taiwanese craftsmen using traditional manufacturing techniques under the scorching heat in a furnace.