GOODS WE LIKE - Music Playlist No.19
Alex Rückheim
Photo: Paris, 2015 by Simon Freund
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Filtering by Category: MUSIC
After introducing you to contemporary music label Erased Tapes Records a few months ago, we would like to follow up with one of our favourite artists, and one of the figureheads of the London based label – Nils Frahm. Back in 2015, the German artist – renown for embracing both digital and traditional means of composing music – returned with a piano solo album, intuitively titled Solo. Quite naturally what you would expect from an album like this, it’s lyrical, calm and gentle. Yet, you will dive into pieces such as ‘Wall’ which are more energetic and that quite interestingly break the overall gentle mood. Definitely, another excellent piece of work to listen to. Recorded on a Klavins M370 in Tübingen, Germany. The album is released on Vinyl, CD and Digital.
As a gift to his fans and in an effort to support exciting piano-related projects ‘Solo’ is available for FREE DOWNLOAD in 24-bit and mp3 via
Photographed by Simon Freund for GOODS WE LIKE
Photo by Buzac Marinus
Founded back in 2007 by Robert Raths, Erased Tapes Records has developed into a melting pot for innovative musicians from around the world, embracing both digital and traditional means of releasing music. That is, the London-based contemporary label is widely recognised for their avant-garde musicians that span across various genres and styles. The label’s portfolio of contemporary yet classical composers includes no other than Ólafur Arnalds from Iceland, German composer Nils Frahm, music pioneer Lubomyr Melnyk and multi-instrumentalist Peter Broderick amongst others.
'The heart-string-tugging London label that floats gently between 20th century composition and ambient music.'
- Rolling Stone
It looks complicated but it is actually quite simple: Ableton Push is an instrument that enables anyone to create songs from scratch. With Push, one can control pretty much anything without even looking at the computer once. It is one of the most popular hardware for music producers and DJ's alike. To give you a bit more insight, make sure to check out this amazing video by Berlin-based producer Mad Zach, who is working this instrument like he's never done anything else in his life. It's truly amazing to see that Push puts the fundamental elements of music making at your fingertips.