ASKET – Introducing the Classic T-Shirt in 15 Sizes — GOODS WE LIKE

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ASKET – Introducing the Classic T-Shirt in 15 Sizes

Alex Rückheim

Swedish brand ASKET has set out with the aim of creating the perfect high-quality, classic T-shirt that not only appeals to every man by offering the perfect fit, but that both looks good and feels well. By re-focussing on the essence and key elements that create the ideal crew neck T-shirt, founders Jakob Dworsky and August B. Bringeus decided to challenge today’s conventional five-size system. Committed to elevate this classic wardrobe staple to fit all body types without compromises, they have expanded on the traditional sizing system – XS, S, M, L, XL – by adding two extra variations. The result, a refined selection of 15 different sizes – short, regular, and long. As an essential element in contemporary menswear, ASKET’s premium T-shirt is crafted of high-quality 100% combed Egyptian cotton, and manufactured in a family-owned factory in Braga, Portugal. Retail price €30/ $32.

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